How to Do a Social Media Audit in 7 Steps

How to Do a Social Media Audit in 7 Steps

We all know social media is a great place to market your business and reach your customers around the globe. However, social media is not a set it and forget it platform and you have to check in regularly to really take advantage of all the opportunities that it can...
5 GA4 Basics You Need to Know

5 GA4 Basics You Need to Know

By Jamie Paton, Senior SEO Strategist The switch from Universal Analytics (UA) to GA4 is imminent. So imminent in fact that there’s even a countdown clock that greets you every time you log into Google Analytics. Which means it’s finally time to embrace the change and...
Jasper’s Process for Writing Blog Posts

Jasper’s Process for Writing Blog Posts

Have you gotten ads for Jasper?  Feed the machine a topic and get a blog post, content page or ad written in seconds?  Well, I have and I did*.  You’re reading one below.  Scary? Enticing? Interested in giving it a whirl?  Writing prompts, briefs, and outlines...
Microsoft Hoping to Double Ad Business in 2023

Microsoft Hoping to Double Ad Business in 2023

Bing Ads was rebranded a few years ago to Microsoft Ads and, while the name change was just a slight annoyance for search marketers, it signalled a growth strategy that we are seeing come to fruition over time. Bing/Microsoft Ads is the often overlooked platform as...